Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Anal Fistula Treatment #6

On Thursday, I had my sixth treatment for my complex anal fistula. This was a relatively small procedure, an in-office "deroofing" (as my CRS puts it) of a part of my fistula that has not healed completely. The procedure itself was a little uncomfortable, but the first where I was awake - the worst was hearing the tearing/sizzling sound my flesh was making as she was cutting the skin. I've been doing ok, I couldn't really sit on the first day but I've been able to go back to work after a long weekend, I was even able to sit at the movies! Once this heels, I'm hopeful that I will have definitive treatment and get my setons taken out... I'm not sure what she's going to do... the flap? 

I'm feeling so disappointed that I'm looking to another summer of limited activity, I don't feel particularly comfortable swimming in a lake or public pool with open/draining wounds. Biking is completely off of the table (it's been nearly two years since I've been able to ride). When you live in an area where you only have 3 precious months of nice weather, it's a real bummer to miss out on another summer. Life is short. 

I'm reminded that exactly a year ago, I underwent my first treatment not really knowing what I was getting myself into. I don't have the 10 inch drain anymore and hopefully, I never have to go through something like that again, but I'm still going through this. I'm amazed at how we're able to adapt to lousy situations, it's just like my life is supposed to be inconvenienced by my butt all the time, there is no other way. 


  1. Hi,

    I'm just curious if you're already healed from all the surgeries and you had finally gotten rid of the fistulas.

    I hope you're able to respond to this comment even though it had been more than 2 years from your last blog.

    I really do hope you're doing fine right now.


  2. Hi Janey,

    My apologies for not keeping up with this blog!

    I had my "final treatment" in November 2018. An advanced mucosal flap. Good news is that my fistula is healed and I am back to living comfortably and back to the same level of physical activity before this all started. Bad news is that I have some mild incontinence caused by the scar tissue from the mucosal flap.

    My CRS is looking into treatments to help with the incontinence - overall, it's not that serious just a mild inconvenience.

    Let me know if you have any other questions!

  3. Hi,

    I got a couple of questions. Actually Im getting paranoid since Im suspecting that I have a fistula. I'd like to know more of your experience and how you were able to overcome it.

    If you don't mind, can I ask for your personal email so I can privately message you. I hope you agree to this. I would greatly greatly appreciate it.


  4. feel free to provide me your email, I can reach out.


Anal Fistula Treatment #6

On Thursday, I had my sixth treatment for my complex anal fistula. This was a relatively small procedure, an in-office "deroofing"...